Recap of some of Clarity AI’s new features and solutions launched in 2023
This year, we launched new products and enhanced existing ones to support market participants in aligning with the ever-changing demands of global markets in sustainability and ESG.
Here’s a compilation of some of the main highlights of the year – a strong representation of our commitment to delivering superior capabilities for portfolio analysis and reporting.
1) Enhanced transparency for greater trust
Users can drill down through any data point to increase the robustness of their analysis. We provide investors with the full context to better understand the numbers, including history, custom explanations, and a direct link to the report to trace the information back to its source.
2) Higher granularity for deeper insights
The flexibility of the platform allows users to easily switch between different views, at portfolio, organization, security, and metric levels. This improves the understanding of how a portfolio is performing, with easy access to additional layers of information, such as raw data, a breakdown of the Net Zero criteria, and fully customizable tables for better visualization of relevant metrics. We have also introduced a company dashboard, to see -at a glance- an organization’s sustainability performance across different dimensions to efficiently make informed decisions.
Illustrative view of Clarity AI’s web application, with access to explainable data, and custom tables for deeper analysis
3) Broader coverage for smarter investments
Clarity AI’s technology, powered by AI, allows its clients to access fresh, new data in record time. Users can benefit from an always-expanding universe of investment possibilities with leading time-to-market for reported data, new metrics, and estimations.
This year, our clients have been able to access:
- Over 1 million new securities
- 407,000+ new data points collected
- 29,500+ new reports analyzed
- 17,000+ new funds available, more than 450 marketed as Article 9 under the SFDR
4) More frameworks for new analyses
As a digitally native company, we are able to introduce new solutions into the market quickly. This allows us to keep up with the changing sustainability landscape and adapt fast to shifts in our clients’ preferences. With our deep subject-matter expertise, we ensure consistency across frameworks and reduce the complexity of working with multiple standards.
Here are some of the end-to-end solutions we have launched to help market participants assess their investments against:
- Contribution to the UN SDGs, using revenue alignment
- The six environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy, applicable from January 2024
- The Do No Significant Harm principle, through a highly customizable tool to test multiple thresholds in line with SFDR
- The UN Global Compact principles, both for SFDR PAI assessment and reporting, and to map out corporate controversies
- TNFD and TCFD recommendations, to support nature-related assessments of risks and impacts, and disclose relevant climate metrics
- The Net Zero Investment Framework (NZIF), including temperature alignment and a walk-through of each of the criteria used
- Climate Impact on Returns, to assess physical and transition risks scenario analysis, powered by Ortec Finance
You can access a detailed view of our product offerings here.
5) Better user experience for improved efficiency
As part of our commitment to offering flexible tools, that can be easily integrated into existing workflows, or customized to fit specific needs, we have introduced additional and unique portfolio management capabilities. These go from an easier navigation of the web application to new end-to-end use cases, like reporting on mandates. Through this functionality, users can analyze, monitor, and report on their mandates, based on the metrics of their preference, and minimum thresholds that organizations must meet, set for each metric.
And much more, at your fingertips
We invite you to get in touch with us to learn more about our product offerings and how we can support your specific needs around sustainability. From regulatory compliance, with automated reports generated in seven languages in under two minutes, to sophisticated analysis and custom-made tools, we are continuously improving our solutions and tools, powered by high-quality, reliable data, and rigorous methodologies aligned with international standards.