Our Culture

  • Fact-based

    Promoting objective, fact-based and solution-oriented discussions

  • Diverse

    Encouraging diversity of personalities, cultures and experiences

  • Meritocratic

    Striving for excellence and rewarding the best

  • Transparent

    Communicating feedback transparently, constructively and in real-time

  • Flexible

    Working flexibly in the broadest sense (e.g., schedule, location, vacation, styles)

Our Values

  • Excellence

    Individual expertise as a key dimension of Clarity AI’s success

  • Passion

    Driven by purpose, self-motivated

  • Values

    Not “talking” about ethics and values — “living” our values by example

Quotation Mark Icon

“It became very clear to me during my interview process that Clarity AI has a fun and collaborative culture and is a place where each of us can really have an impact and grow along with the company. Clarity AI has allowed me to focus my career on Sustainability and Impact at an ambitious and dynamic company that strives for excellence across its products and operations.”

Diego Candida

Diego Candida

Associate Director, Solutions

United States

Quotation Mark Icon

“Clarity AI’s mission and vision were appealing to me, and the combination of that with joining such an international team convinced me it was the right place to work! The growth of the company also helped me to see opportunities for development both in the short- and long-term.”

Manon Hermal

Manon Hermal

Talent Acquisition Specialist, People


Quotation Mark Icon

“I joined Clarity AI for its drive to provide all society stakeholders with the capabilities to allocate capital for progress, society and the environment. It’s an ambitious project that will come to life thanks to the excellence and passion of the team.”

Paloma Asensio

Paloma Asensio

Corporate Engagement Lead, Strategy

United States

Driven to change the World?

We celebrate a united mission to bring societal impact to markets by illuminating paths to a more sustainable world — each and every day.

Search Openings

One Story

Founded in 2017, we have grown to be a globally recognized and awarded sustainability tech platform, preferred by the largest asset managers and organizations in the world.

One Team

We celebrate our people for their purpose-driven approach an innate drive to excel.

Members of


Clarity AI Named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™
ESG Data and Analytics Providers, Q3 2024

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