Overview of the solution

Clarity AI’s solution for EU Taxonomy provides the 5-step approach. The assessment is done per activity (in the case of turnover, by each identifiable revenue segment) and then aggregated at the company level. Beyond revenue, we also provide separate CapEx & OpEx eligibility and alignment values, and visibility at portfolio, organization and security level.

Reporting capabilities in 1-click: Pre-filled official templates with EU Taxonomy disclosures at product level ready to download from the web app in just one click.

Most recent data reported, already available: Data reported by companies in 2023 (for FY 2022) is already being collected and made available in the product.

Accurate methodology, aligned with the latest regulatory guidelines: Reduced dependency on controversies analysis for Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) and Minimum Social Safeguards (MSS), in line with the latest regulatory guidelines, minimizing reputational risk.

Transparency: Distinction between what is reported data and estimates, and Reported data linked to original source from companies.

Six objectives covered: Eligibility data for the 6 environmental objectives.

Clarity AI’s assessment for EU Taxonomy Eligibility & Alignment can be fully integrated into 3rd party platforms either through API integrations, or thanks to the widgets visual solutions in platforms like Manaos (BNP Paribas).

The dataset includes:

70,000+ companies (including subsidiaries)

390,000+ funds

400 governments

Assessment across 130,000+ business segments

>92% of Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index

Reported data linked to original source from companies

Data dictionary

Contact us to know more about the metrics available

Main use cases

Generate product-level reports with required disclosures in the official format

Portfolio analysis and monitoring

Build products, with sustainability characteristics (including Article 9)

Delivery available through

Web app

Custom API

API into third-party platforms


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