Partner Corner: Manaos and Clarity AI support end-to-end regulatory reporting, portfolio analysis, and impact investing

Partner Corner July 10, 2023

Manaos is an investment services platform aimed at empowering investors and asset managers to fulfill numerous use cases including portfolio look-through, ESG data sourcing, and ESG reporting with optimal flexibility, speed, and scalability.

Partnership with Clarity AI

Manaos selected to partner with Clarity AI because of their agility to comply with the quick-paced changes to regulations. Manaos has integrated 10 Clarity AI Solutions related to regulatory disclosures (SFDR, EU Tax, EET, Biodiversity), risk analysis (ESG Risk, Exposure screens), climate commitments (Net Zero, TCFD), and impact investing (Impact Highlights, UN SDGs). The solution can be delivered to clients via API, widget iFrames, and datafeed.


Read our latest case study to review how a Dutch Asset Owner uses Manaos and Clarity AI to monitor and engage their asset managers on their sustainability mandates.

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