Overview of the solution

Clarity AI has developed a comprehensive set of solutions for investors to manage the carbon-related risks and opportunities of their portfolios. Our Carbon footprint includes 4 metrics to measure and report on Scopes 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions associated with a given portfolio, recommended by the TCFD and aligned with the PCAF (Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials) standard. The solution also provides carbon scores, that rate organizations and portfolios based on their carbon emission intensity, allowing investors to better compare organizations’ carbon emissions within and across industries and to benchmark their portfolios.

Reliability algorithm for reported Scope 3 data: Clarity AI’s uses a unique reliability algorithm to assess the quality of the data in different dimensiones (completeness, comparison of reported and estimated, and third party verification).

Proprietary machine learning algorithms to estimate GHG emissions: Combination of the EEIO and machine learning approaches to optimize coverage and maximize quality.

Clients can easily view their portfolio performance across different climate-related metrics, such as Carbon Scores & Footprint, available at company and portfolio level.

The dataset includes:

All Kyoto Protocol GHG emissions

GHG emissions dataset combines selected issuer-reported data (multiple sources like CDP or our own collection efforts) with AI-based estimated values for 70,000+ companies

>92% coverage of the ACWI Index

Data dictionary

Contact us to know more about the metrics available

Main use cases

Set emissions reduction targets and track progress

Benchmark against indices and other portfolios

Report to stakeholders

Delivery available through

Web app

Custom API

API into third-party platforms


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